    Professor Luo Youxin participated ICADAM 2008
    2008-01-20 00:00   学科建设 审核人:

    International Conference on Advanced Design And Manufacture ICADAM 2008

    14th – 16th January 2008

    Professor Luo Youxin was cordially invited to participate in ICADAM 2008, which will take place in Sanya, located in the most southern Province of China. The International Conference in Advanced Engineering Design And Manufacture (ICADAM) 2008 scientific programme included keynote presentations by internationally renowned researchers, contributed papers and PhD poster presentations emphasizing all core areas of engineering design and manufacture. Professor Luo Youxin presented two papers in ICADAM 2008.

    The globalisation of manufacturing industries leads to a thirst for rapid advancements in technological development and expertise in the fields of advanced design and manufacturing. In this scenario, both industry and the academia have an urgent need to equip themselves of latest knowledge and trend regarding design and manufacture. This conference solicits both cutting edge fundamental research and recent industrial application papers with a goal towards bringing together design and manufacture practitioners from academics, government organisations, and industry from all over the world. The conference aims to cover the recent advancement and trends in the area of design and manufacturing and to facilitate knowledge sharing, presentations, interactions, discussions on emerging trends and new challenges in design and manufacturing fields. The particular focus of this conference is on the understanding of the impact of distributed team based design and manufacture on research and industrial practices for global companies. Being the third conference in this theme since 2004, the aims of the conference are: (a) to become a regular major forum for the international scientific exchange on multi-disciplinary and inter-organisational aspects of advanced engineering design and manufacturing engineering; and (b) to provide opportunities in presenting and formalising the methods and means for industrial companies to design and manufacture successful products in a globally distributed team based environment.

    Conference Topics

    ·         Engineering design in a global manufacturing context;

    ·         Concurrent, collaborative, and distributed engineering design and manufacture;

    ·         Industrial constraints for engineering design;

    ·         Engineering design and manufacture in the developed and developing world;

    ·         Design tools, methods and techniques;

    ·         Integrated product process development from concept through production;

    ·         Product life-cycle modelling and management;

    ·         Design for X methods;

    ·         FEA techniques and design optimisation;

    ·         Computer-aided design and manufacturing;

    ·         Quality, robust design, and variation management;

    ·         Global engineering design and manufacture education;

    ·         Product modelling and visualisation techniques and advancement;

    ·         Design optimisation and application of advanced materials;

    ·         Advanced material processing

    ·         Advanced manufacturing processes;

    ·         CAD/CAM/CIM;

    ·         Robotics and vision applications in robotics;

    ·         FMS/AMS;

    ·         Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems (MEMS);

    ·         Nano technologies;

    ·         The Cost Control in Product Design;

    ·         Economic Analysis for Manufacturing Process;

    ·         Activity Based Cost Management;

    ·         Process Controlling Techniques.

